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Tag Line

When coming up with ideas for our poster we wanted a tagline that was quick to capture the audiences attention and then establish a desire to watch the film.

-Not all secrets were meant to be captured

-Some secrets weren't meant to be captured

-Point and shoot

-Just point and shoot



We decided to do a group vote on which tagline we preferred. The majority voted for 'Some secrets weren't meant to be captured'. The reasoning for this was because we felt as though the chosen phrase summarised the storyline without giving too much away but also intrigued the audience.


After some time we still debated whether to have the phrase in the past or present tense so decided to change the past tense of the action 'weren't' to the present tense of 'aren't'

'Some secrets aren't meant to be captured'

When editing the various drafts of the posters we also decided on the positioning of the tagline and where we would place it. We decided to place it under the title as the audience would then automatically read the phrase after the title and have an idea of what the film is about, with the help of the images as well

White text- Stood out against the background image also fit the colour scheme. We wanted to have the title and tagline the same colour as when experimenting with red we thought that the loud colour took away from the title.

Space-We didn't want the text to appear crushed together so we created a wide enough gap to separate the texts clearly. It also helped when proportioning the images and other text.

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